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RV exterior maintenance and repairs


The weather takes a toll on your towable RV or motorhome’s finish and tires. Preventive maintenance of RV exterior is as important as taking care of the interior. So, keep the RV exterior washed, waxed and out of the sun while not travelling and keep the RV under the storage if possible. With some useful tips it is possible to keep your RV’s exterior in a tip-top shape.

Tip #1: The Roof

Water leakage is the biggest enemy of RV, so always give special attention to the roof. Examine the seams, edges, caulking and anything else attached to the roof. Any loose screw or damaged caulking can be the entry point for water leakage. The life of an RV can be enhanced by keeping the roof clean, debris free and applying a coat of RV Roof Magic. To get the best return on your investment be sure to do regular maintenance. Cleaning the roof bi-annually will help to maintain its durability and longevity.

Tip #2: Sidewalls

Inspect all the seals on the sidewall openings. If there is any sign of deteriorating sealant, reseal it with a quick coat of RV sealant e.g., RV Roof Magic. Now check for black streaks which are commonly caused by dirt, moisture, time, and neglect. Never apply a black steak removal directly on to the RV exterior, make use a soft moisture cloth. Unless a black steak is deep-rooted or oxidized it should come off easily, if not than there are many products available in the market which address these specific type of issues.

Tip #3: Fiberglass Caps

Most RVs have plastic caps mostly made up of fiberglass covering the rear and front ends of the RVs. Over the period of time with aging and with exposure to ozone and other elements these fiberglass caps become dull and fade and even chalk out. The fiberglass caps should be protected with wax or polish. Plain old car wash soap is also a good option too.

Tip #4: Undercarriage

The underneath of the RV is the forgotten exterior surface. The main concern there is critter infestation. Also look for damaged sections of underbelly, regardless of the types of materials used. While you’re down there, also check all chassis and suspension components for damage or abnormalities, and look for signs of water leaks. If you use the RV in winter conditions where salt is used on the roads, check for rust as well.

Evaluating RV roof repair products and need some advice before you buy, visit, for quick tips to inspect and fix your RV’s Roof Leak visit,

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